Sunday, November 4, 2012

Feature article sentence explosion

He walked down the long corridor with his bag hanging over his shoulder. His clothing once snug hung on his tall slinder frame like rags telling the tale of the hardship he faced while deployed. Where a clean shaven face once lay was now replaced by a short beard, obscuring the sunken eyes and sloping cheaks of the overworked man. His strides were slow and deliberate, he was masking a limp from an injury he did not want his family to know about, after all they would just worry, and he did not want that. The coridor was bare, a few pipes lining the walls and the lights hung with no covers, casting a shadow that was menacing and offputting, any person who did not know the man would think he was a vagrent passing through, and not the proud man returning home from a war he had fought for too long. He set his bags down and cleared his throut to the small crowd of people waiting with their backs turned to the entrance of the hallway, proclaiming his presence.

Feature article main points

Well I chose the homecoming of a soldier. The unique parts will be that heis coming home only to his family. I have a lot of good sensory work I can do, the colors are vivid and I can use my personal experiences to my advantage to write this article. I plan to highlight the journey the soldier had to make in coming home, touching on the difficulties and hurdles he had to face in the transit, which make the story that much more interesting to people who have never incountered the farce.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Feature article high points

Some of the high points are the way they pull at the heart strings and call to the patriotism people feel in their day to day lives, reminding people why there is a war on and the plight of the men and woman fighting this conflict face. They used heavy emotional description and a lot of tear jerking stories of fallen soldiers and their families who will never see their loved ones again. I plan to touch on a few of these points, but I don't feel that a lot of that is necessary for my piece.

Friday, October 26, 2012

What my feature article will be about.

The topic I will talk about is a coming home that is typical of back to back tour veterans. When the main unit gets home there is a large amount of press and a huge amount of community support. The come home in the middle of the day, there is a bus of family and citizens who come out to say thak you and welcome the vet home; but when a veteran comes home after staying there is none of that. They come home in the quiet of the night to small local airports, greeted only by the ride home. On occasion there is a family waiting, but usually those with people waiting up at home dont offer to stay in a war zone longer then they have to. The picture that can be painted is sad and quiet, with a very poetic bravada that can only be cronicled by those who have experienced it. You can't express the raw emotion felt by these people unless you were there to share in it, to partake in the woefull happiness and quiet dignity of coming home from a place where they hated you.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Feature Articles

Some feature articles are of members of my community coming home, or news of safe retursor of heroics in the face of danger. Fluff pieces used to be quite common in this country during times of war.
A few interesting facts are that there is an alarming number of college drop outs and alcohol abusers in the community I am researching. Also apparently the number of social programs to help the veterans coming home have gone up in some places and the education of their problems is getting better. The social programs in my opinion are a long time in coming, now with the new treatments for Post Traumatic Stress and other disorders that cant be seen with the naked eye, only felt.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

In my newest assignment I am supposed to write about a feature article. Some Ideas I have about my feature article is to write about a football game we will be having here on campus. The sights and smells will be there, and I believe that the illustration will be easy.
The reason I am writing this blog is to present the members of my community with ideas I have. I am really writing this to try and explore some ideas and grow up a little bit while I write these. Growing up in a military family I have been raised a lot by my mother. I love playing sports and I try to stay involved in my fitness. My dad was deployed a lot while I was growing up, but is still a big part of my life. My brothers and I are experts on our community because we were raised in it. Every day we lived it, and now that we have grown up I am trying to understand how that life has changed me, for better or worse. Over the next few months I will try and understand what has made me into the man I am today, and grow a little bit.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The person I will more then likely choose to interview will be my father. He spent the majority of his life moving around in a close family in the military, and ended up raising one of his own. He would have a better insight on the topic of my blog then I will, he is a lot older then me and has gone through a lot more then I have. I will probably end up asking some broad questions leading into more narrow ones, like what was it like growing up in a military family? Those types of questions usually lead to broad answers so the assigned reading stated, so the follow ups should be pretty good. He grew up in the Philippines and Japan because of where my grandfather was stationed, and had quite a few unique situations that I never had to encounter in my journey to growing up. Some follow up questions might be asking how this effected the way he viewed the world he grew up in. My father is a very unbiased man is some respects, but in others he is completely and totally biased, so the interview should be interesting.

Monday, September 10, 2012

In "The Library Card" a black man in the south seaks to understand his world and the people who live in it by reading books from, well, the library. During the time it was a great risk for him to be reading, but he perserviered and saw it through to the end. In my own life I hve had to go through hard times to get to the final goal, be it a chance to see my dad or a day off from the duties he left behind. The man in the stories reward was knowledge and a deaper understanding of the world around him, but mine was just a day to myself.