Monday, September 10, 2012

In "The Library Card" a black man in the south seaks to understand his world and the people who live in it by reading books from, well, the library. During the time it was a great risk for him to be reading, but he perserviered and saw it through to the end. In my own life I hve had to go through hard times to get to the final goal, be it a chance to see my dad or a day off from the duties he left behind. The man in the stories reward was knowledge and a deaper understanding of the world around him, but mine was just a day to myself.


  1. Its something they always say, nothing comes easy. It seems like you have gone thru a lot of this to make your achievements possible.

  2. Your father sounds like a great man and he left the best person to take after him.

  3. i agree nothing comes easy, you have to work for everything.
